Join the Community
Speaking up and out is not as easy as it may seem. People say this and encourage others to do it but in practice, it’s more complicated than that. Targets of harassment, bullying and retaliation have real and valid fears when it comes to speaking up. There are still consequences associated with speaking out that are glossed over - like being fired or worse.
The community on this page is different and doesn’t have to be complicated. Your experiences can be anonymous if you want them to be. Know that there is strength in sharing your story. Strength in letting go of anger and hatred and power in educating others on lessons learned.
Your story could be the shared experience that helps another get through a tough day in a toxic environment.
This space is a safe one where anyone can share their story, speak their truth and share lessons learned. Everyone wants to be part of a community and to find solace in shared experiences. Ultimately lessons learned will help those facing bad and terrible situations daily.
Join the community and share your story today.
Please note: Submitted stories are curated by the administrator and may take up to 48 hours to post and may be slightly edited to protect identities.
A freeing revelation:
“I realized that being harassed doesn’t mean I’m being controlled. No one holds that much power over me.”
— Janet J.